I normally buy Omega-3 eggs as they contain the Omega-3 fatty acids which are important for overall good health and supposedly help prevent cardiovascular disease.
Many a time when I run out of food in the fridge, I'll just whip up a simple dish with just eggs. My children love this and wish that mum would always cook simple egg custard which is so easily digested, no chewing required.
Steamed Egg Custard

4 eggs
400 ml water
1/2 tsp salt
pepper, sesame oil
spring onions, chopped
- Break eggs into a bowl.
- Add pepper and salt and beat with a fork.
- Add lukewarm water and stir evenly.
- Transfer to serving plate and onto the steaming tray and cook with the rice in the rice cooker.(Otherwise, steam over boiling water at low heat for about 15 minutes)
- Garnish with sesame oil and chopped spring onions.
- Serve the firm custard hot with rice.
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