Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stir Fried Yam Bean (Bangkuang/沙葛)

The Chinese turnip (沙葛) or yam bean or bangkuang or sengkuang or jicama (didn't know it has so many names) always act as a standby or reserve in my vegetable list as it can be stored for a relatively long period without refrigeration.

This root vegetable has a thick, fibrous light brown skin while its white flesh is crisp and moist, slightly sweet and can be eaten raw as a fruit or in salad as in rojak or used as an ingredient in popiah or stir fried.

Stir Fried Yam Bean (Bangkuang

350 gm yam bean
100 gm carrot
1 tsp dried shrimps, washed
3 cloves garlic, chopped
3 shallots, sliced
1/2 tsp shredded ginger
2 sprig spring onions, chopped
2 tbsp oil
Salt, water

  1. Peel and shred the yam bean and carrot.
  2. Heat oil in the wok.
  3. Fry the ginger, shallots, garlic and dried shrimps till fragrant.
  4. Add the carrot and yam bean and stir fry for a minute with some salt.
  5. Add enough water to cover the yam bean and simmer till soften.
  6. Garnish with spring onions and dish out.
  7. Serve hot with rice.

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