Since the teppanyaki which uses a hot plate to fry a variety of meats and vegetables on the dining table, is "heaty", I've decided to boil the snow fungus which is a perennial item in my fridge. It is a very cooling and extremely refreshing dessert. (especially if you drink it chilled)
The snow fungus or white ear fungus or suet yee (雪耳) contains much vitamins and minerals like iron, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. The Chinese believes that snow fungus will nourish the lungs, heal dry cough and remove heatiness from the lungs.
When buying snow fungus, look out for the good quality ones that are pale yellow-white in color.
Snow fungus Longan Soup

40 gm snow fungus, soaked for 1/2 hour
1 tsp dried longan
150 gm lotus seeds, pitted
5 gm ginseng roots
130 gm rock sugar
4 liter water

- Wash and break the snow fungus into smaller pieces. Discard the hard portions.
- Rinse the rest of the ingredients lightly and put all into the pressure cooker.
- Boil over high heat till you can see the second red indicator ring.
- Switch to very low heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
- Serve hot or cold depending on preference.

1 comment:
Ginseng as a soup ingredient rocks. I use it in stews, mostly, with broccoli and chicken.
I know that not everyone likes the taste of ginseng, but I recommend drinking ginseng tea (with a bit of honey) and it grows on you. I drink it because it suppresses my appetite, making is easier to lose weight. I write about my ginseng experience here:
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